A microprocessor incorporates the functions of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit,or at most a few integrated circuits. It is a multipurpose, programmable device that accepts digital data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results as output. It is an example of sequential digital logic, as it has internal memory. Microprocessors operate on numbers and symbols represented in the binary numeral system
A microprocessor is a highly complex integrated circuit that contains a large number of logic gates. The gates are organized into various specialized subcircuits for receiving, processing, storing, and relaying data (information) in the form of digital signals. Such logic circuits can be programmed to work with the data in predetermined ways, serving as a computer's central processing unit.
All but the simplest electronic products are made up of a combination of circuits, each designed to perform a specific function. The same basic circuit can be used in a wide variety of products; for example, the power-supply circuit of an audio amplifier is essentially the same as that of a personal computer. Some circuits are designed as self-contained devices, forming units that can be easily interconnected in assembling an electronic product and easily replaced if they become defective.
In conventional circuits, the active and passive components are individual parts that are connected by wires. The connections are greatly simplified in a printed circuit, a circuit in which the components are All but the simplest electronic products are made up of a combination of circuits, each designed to perform a specific function. The same basic circuit can be used in a wide variety of products; for example, the power-supply circuit of an audio amplifier is essentially the same as that of a personal computer. Some circuits are designed as self-contained devices, forming units that can be easily interconnected in assembling an electronic product and easily replaced if they become defective.In conventional circuits, the active and passive components are individual parts that are connected by wires. mounted on a stiff board and connected by strips of metal deposited on the board by a printing process. In integrated circuits, all the various components of the circuit are formed on a single chip of silicon or other semiconductor
Most complex electronic circuits today are built as integrated circuits.
Integrated circuits are very small—their individual components are typically microscopic in size. The entire circuit is generally no more than 1/16 of an inch (1.6 mm) square. Integrated circuits are highly reliable and, compared with the components they replace, inexpensiveTheir use reduces the overall size of electronic equipment and helps in designing electronic products as systems made up of separate units, each performing a distinct operation. This construction simplifies manufacturing and maintenance procedures.
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